Does NSFAS Pay For Bridging Courses

By | August 27, 2024

NSFAS remains a catalyst that help in the pioneering of education and training in South Africa. Funding education is done with the aim of improving skills level in the country.

The Department of Higher Education and Training identified a set of skills that are considered to be on high demand. The majority of these are technical and vocational skills.

The scope of courses that receive funding from NSFAS is very broad. It covers TVET colleges, Universities and Universities of Technology. NSFAS makes a determination of how much students receive after enrolling in these institutions of higher learning.

Does NSFAS Pay For Bridging Course?

There is no allocation by NSFAS for bridging courses at any institution in South Africa. Once students have completed bridging courses, they must registered for their first year in order to be funded.

The NSFAS bursary is designed to cater for students’ tuition fees, approved accommodation, food allowances, books and travel expenses. Amount paid may vary per institution where a student is registered.

Below is the list of courses or programmes that do not get funded by NSFAS:

  • Second qualification
  • Short CoursesĀ 
  • Private CollegesĀ 
  • Postgraduate Qualfications
  • Part-time courses

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